A Different Kind of Gratitude

Green Hill Farm


Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. ~Romans 12:2


It’s easy to be grateful when things are going well, and we’re surrounded by positive experiences or an abundance of blessings. However, it becomes a bit more challenging when life throws obstacles and negative events in our paths—challenges that emotionally stretch us and push all our buttons. Although feeling grateful in these moments is hard, it is also an opportunity for us to grow…instead of feeling wounded or victimized.

Certainly, feelings of gratefulness for the things that comfort us is more natural. But, if we can also embrace the difficult times in our lives—the ones that grow our souls, we will be free from suffering. Getting to a place where we’re grateful—For. It. All…..allows us to see adversity as an opportunity. An opportunity for soul growth…and, ultimately, a chance to free ourselves.

Once we’re able to move past life’s challenges, we’re able to see how these experiences grew us. We begin to move beyond our victimhood and glean the gifts of such traumas. We can understand how they helped strengthen us; how we learned forgiveness, self-reliance, and compassion; how we came to appreciate the preciousness of life, or how we fought for life even when part of us wanted to give up. We can also see how we learned what was really important to us, to stand up for ourselves, and to trust our intuition. And, maybe, we can finally see how we stopped basing our worth on outside approval and started to realize that our value is intrinsic, because we have within us a Divine spark—and this makes us inherently valuable.


The kingdom of God is within you. ~II Timothy 1:7


Here’s the thing:  It is through such challenges that seem to break us that light is able to shine through and shape who we are. To be grateful in this moment for the individuals we’ve become is the triumph. Martha Beck says, “Acceptance is the frequency of miracles,” and I think it’s true. And, when we can move beyond mere acceptance—releasing our resistance to what is…and going deeper—into gratitude, anything is possible. When we choose love over fear….miracles happen.


Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee wherever you go. ~Joshua 1:9



New lamb, Tino





Wishing you a day full of miracles! 



  1. Beautifully said, Tonya! I so love your words, and the sunflower photo. Funny thing, I often sing that song to myself when things are tough. Really. So, thanks for including it in your post. And, Tino is adorable!

    Liked by 1 person

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