The Weekly Bleat: Waiting for Spring

I really don’t know if I can take one. more. day. of winter.  As I sit here writing, rain is sprinkling against the windows.  It’s solid gray outside, and the ground is so soggy due to snow and rain that water squishes around my boots when I walk to the barn and chicken coop.  The yard is like a marsh and the fields are a muddy mess.  The weather is so depressing that even the birds have stopped singing.  I miss the sun…. and, everything that’s associated with it.  I miss warm days that linger into the evening, the lovely hue of green pastures, and colorful blooms in the garden; however, as wonderful as all those things sound—to be truthful, besides a little sunshine, this farmgirl would settle for some dry soil.

It’s no secret that this time of year is challenging for some people.  There’s even a name for it:  Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD.  Holly Golightly from the film, Breakfast at Tiffany’s called it the “mean reds” and Winston Churchill referred to it as the “black dog.”  Some people may also just view it as the “winter blues.” But, whatever you want to call it, feeling anxious or gloomy, no matter what color, is NO fun!  I recently read that the winter holidays should come with a mental health warning.  I agree….Christmas can be a busy and stressful time.  I would also like to extend the warning to include the first two months of the year.  The cold, gray days of January and February just about wreck me.  Thank goodness there’s a holiday mid-February that provides chocolate and  flowers as a mood-lifter.  But, just when I thought February was almost over, I realized we’ve got an extra, freaking, winter day to endure—thanks a lot leap year!  Ughhh!

Although Christmastime and winter in general can bring on an onslaught of “mean reds, black dogs, and winter blues,” at least there’s the joy and delight of Christmas lights to lift the spirit.  Yes, yes, I know what you’re thinking:  It’s the end of February, and you STILL have Christmas lights?  Actually, I just took down my Christmas tree a couple of weeks ago (before we rolled into another holiday). Technically, the tree was half taken down even earlier as I had to remove all of my beloved sheep and chicken ornaments.  I did this, because Clemmie Cat kept conducting raids:  crouching behind furniture, running past the tree at top speed, while ripping off delicate ornaments—mid-stride, as I shrieked, “Noooo.”  So, I was left with a bare but well-lit tree to cheer me.  But now, that’s gone, too; however, my outside lights will be aglow a bit longer….at least until the sun starts staying up past 6:30 in the evening. Besides Christmas lights and chocolate, the other mood-lifter I rely on is music.  I’ve joked a few times about dancing to music from an old radio in the barn while tending to farm chores, but music really transforms my mood.  I’m actually thinking of installing a disco ball in the sheep shed. 🙂

Here’s the thing:  A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do to keep up her spirits.  So, if I have to string Christmas lights from one end of Green Hill Farm to the other, keep the snack drawer well-stocked with chocolate, and “boogie down” to my favorite group–Earth, Wind, and Fire to make it to spring, then that’s what this farmgirl is going to do.  In the meantime, I’m counting down the days to sunshine, green pastures, birdsong, blooms…..and, of course, a little dry dirt. 😉




  1. I had to smile-it is why I was raised in Florida and still reside in Florida and do not plan to leave my beloved Atlantic Ocean! Indigenous flowers and plants always in bloom, sunshine and bright blue skies-I would be extremely affected by SAD…If we have several days of rain here-no problem I turn on lights everywhere, jam with the music and it passes. Hang in -I get it!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Even your indoor photos are beautiful — I love your home — that rug 🙂 that Clemmie Cat ^_^ she is so precious!
    I’m sorry your weather is the drab, and that it’s overwhelming your mood. This would normally be my worst month for insomnia, coupled of course with wee hour anxiety and hopelessness, but it isn’t. The only difference for me has been earplugs. I realize that makes no sense, but I am not required to make sense, am I?
    I agree, the dark days of winter are enough to push most depressives to the edge. The body needs sunlight. Activity is perhaps at its lowest. These things really take a toll on the brain’s regulation. You can try adding some citrus or mint to your mornings, a certain candle or soap…
    We’re about a month from spring. Maybe a lil less for y’all…Do hold on, sunshine and green grass will once again be the standard. One day you will tap the dry brown dirt from your boots and wipe the sweat from your forehead. I can’t wait for the photos!

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  3. Beautiful photographs! I feel the same way too. The winter months make me miserable, and the little blooming flowers, green leaves and baby animals is exactly what I need to cheer myself up right now! I can’t wait for spring :).

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hang in there – it won’t be long. Meanwhile, enjoy the fact there are no biting insects. Also, I had a visit from a huge flock of Bohemian wax wings who cleared all the fruit off my fruit trees. What a sight!

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  5. The part about spring that I can’t handle is the flooding and the MUD. At least in winter, the ground is frozen. But today it was a little warmer, with torrential rain, and my back yard became a lake. Puppy Cody could barely find a spot to do her business and couldn’t wait to get back into the dry house. I didn’t even venture into the middle of the pond because I knew my boots would be sucked into the muck. This time of year can be very hard to take.

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    • Even though we’ve had a couple of snowstorms this winter, it has been a little warmer than normal. So, with melting snow and days on end of rain, the ground has gotten very saturated. And, yes, very hard to take at times. I hope your weather continues to improve, and Puppy Cody can start looking forward to going outdoors again. 🙂


      • Actually, I went home at lunch time today, and it was a mix of rain/snow. Went into the backyard with the dog, and my boot got sucked into the mud big time. Thank heavens I had my cell phone in my pocket, because I was thinking I might have to call in and say I couldn’t go back to work because I couldn’t get out of my own yard. Would have been really embarrassing if I would have needed to call 911 for extrication.

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    • We’ve had a few really warm days, a couple of snowstorms, and now, constant rain this winter. The weather seems to be all over the place. An early spring sounds fantastic! Thanks for the kind thought. I’m fine. I have enough chocolate to last until Thanksgiving. 😉


  6. Oh Tonya, I am definitely ready for spring now too!!! Here, the weather is bouncing back and forth… You t hunk the turn us coming, then the zero degrees hits again! It’s gone really cold here again, but the plus is that it’s getting lighter, earlier, and darker, later!!!

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  7. Hopefully not too long before spring now, and it will be sunny in Tuscany anyway. I’m waiting for the pic of the disco ball in the sheep shed and possibly the sheep dancing on YMCA. Just a thought.

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  8. Oh I here you Tonya!!! Even though it’s been warmer than usual this “winter” here in Texas I’ve had the blues here lately too. But you are right…. Dancing ALWAYS helps. I think it has to be the same principal as working out right? All those endorphins and what not creating positive energy that makes us happy right? Also I think a disco ball is a brilliant idea in the sheep barn… I could totally see Hamish breaking out into the “Wooly Bully” at night after everyone is in bed 😉

    Anyways, hope you are well and remember spring is just around the corner.

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  9. Haha! Clemmie the Commando Cat! Love 🙂 I also love your remedy to this month which is always a toughie, I think. A bop and some fairy lights generally do it for me too but roll long evenings and sunshine. Just roll on 🙂

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  10. Tonya, I hope you had some sunny days to get you our of what my Grandma Mattson called “the doldrums.” I get blue after the holidays, have been trying to focus on the sun and bright colorful skies. Easier said than done. Sending you big hugs and imaginary daisies to brighten your day. Thank you for such cool comments on my posts, too. ♡

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for your very kind and encouraging comments, Robin. Its been beautiful and sunny here the last few days. I’m soaking it up while it lasts! 🙂 ☀️☀️☀️🌼🌼
      I always enjoy your posts! Have a great day! 😊


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