“The Weekly Bleat: Thankfulness!”

“For flowers that bloom about our feet;

For tender grass, so fresh, so sweet;

For song of bird, and hum of bee;

For all things fair we hear or see,

Father in heaven, we thank Thee!”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

“God has two dwellings; one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart.”

–Izaak Walton


  1. The pictures say it all!! I just made a picture collage with Nan and the pictures say so much more than just the picture. All kinds of before and after memories happen and we do realize again how precious our tiny lives are. Thanks, as always, for reminding me of the fine moments. Carol sent me a magnet a few years back and it says ” if it’s not in a scrapbook, it didn’t happen!”….I need those pictures to help me remember just how wonderful my life has been and is…can’t wait to see you at Thanksgiving…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lynn, thank you for stopping by and reading my post! I love looking at old pictures and remembering everything all over again, too. Pictures are a great reminder of all the good things in our lives. Thanks for your comment and Happy Thanksgiving!


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