The Liebster Award



I am delighted and honored to have been nominated for a Liebster award, by Edwina’s Episodes.  I’ve only been blogging for two months, but I’ve already connected with so many interesting and lovely people.  It came as such a wonderful surprise, and I’m so excited to accept.  Edwina herself was nominated by Wendy of the Rock.

There are certain rules associated with the Liebster Award, and after doing some research, these are the main points to follow:

1: Acknowledge and accept the Liebster Award by leaving a comment on the blog where you were nominated.

2: Copy and paste the Liebster logo onto your own blog.

3: Link back to the blogger who awarded you.

4: Answer the 11 questions put to you by the person who nominated you.

5: List 11 random facts about yourself.

6: Nominate and link to 3—11 other blogs you enjoy that have less than 3000 followers

7: List 11 questions for your Liebster Award nominees on your blog.

8: Inform your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here are the 11 questions I was asked:

Why did you start blogging?

This year marked ten years since my husband and I moved to my family’s farm and homeplace, and we began our journey of restoring and saving it.  I wanted to mark the occasion by remembering and sharing our experience with others.

When do you produce your best work?

Usually at random times:  For instance, driving to the grocery store and scribbling notes on the back of a grocery list, while sitting at a traffic light.  Also, at 4:oo am (to my husband’s chagrin) when I wake-up looking for pen and paper, because an idea just popped into my head that I know I’ll forget if I don’t write it down soon.

Name something that annoys you?

My house or work space when it gets cluttered or messy.

 What makes you happy?

Having a cup of tea with my beloved cat, Clementine, on my lap and my dogs, Maud and Dash, lying nearby asleep.

If you could live in a different era, which one would you choose and why?

Every era has its challenges and difficulties, but I think that I would like to have been born in the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s. There have been so many scientific, technological, sociological and cultural advances since that time.  To have been able to experience that first-hand and enjoyed the perspective of someone who grew up riding in a horse and carriage and sixty-something years later watching a man walk on the moon (on television) must have been really something!

What is your biggest regret?

I try not to regret too much or dwell on negative things.  I believe that every person and event in life is meant to teach us something, and all those interactions and experiences shape us into the person we become.

 What other talents do you have?

I think I have a talent for finding just the right gift for someone.  I enjoy decorating, and I think I’m fairly good at it.  I am a caring and empathetic person who connects well with children, and I think that enables me to be an effective speech-language pathologist.

What is your biggest achievement?

I think that saving and restoring my family’s homeplace:  main house, cottage, barns, etc., which has been in my family for over 100 years has been my biggest achievement (and staying married throughout the experience).

Sunshine or snow?

Sunshine–because I love gardening, walking my dogs on the farm and sitting on the patio with a glass of something sparkling to drink as I watch the sun set over the mountain behind my house.

What is your biggest vice?

My biggest vice is probably worrying too much (but I’m getting better).

11.  What song sums you up?

“I Won’t Back Down” by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers

11 Random Facts About Me!

1.  I’m a bit of a worrier, and I always check the stove to make sure it’s off before I leave the house.

2.  I love cupcakes and champagne.

3.  It really bothers me to see a person or animal suffering.

4. I always try really hard to do my best.

5.  I absolutely love Jane Austen.

6.  My favorite film is “Babette’s Feast” based on a story written by Isak Dinesen.

7.  I wear eyeglasses and have a number of fabulous pairs (Thank you, Becky Causey of The View on Elm).

8.  I admire Winston Churchill, Elizabeth I and Temple Grandin for their strength of character, achievements and         leadership.

9.  I think that England is one of the most beautiful places in the world–especially Yorkshire and the Cotswolds.

10. My hands are usually cold.

11.  Zinfandel and Grenache are my favorite wines.

I am nominating the following blogs for a Liebster Award.  These are blogs that I always enjoy and find interesting:

Meals With Mel

The Wicked Chicken

FullCircle Farm


The Hungry Mum

The Plight 2 Write

Haute Pepper Bites

These are your 11 questions:

1.  Why did you start to blog?

2.  What is your earliest memory?

3.  Who has been your greatest influence?

4.  What is your favorite film?

5.  Which phrase do you most overuse?

6.  What makes you happy?

7.  What disturbs you?

8.  Who would you most like to come to dinner?

9.  What is your favorite book?

10.  What is your most treasured possession?

11.  What would most improve the quality of your life?

Thank you so much Edwina!



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