Friday Farm Favorites: Special Visitors

Our neighbors recently started bee-keeping, and today, I noticed a very audible hum in one of our flowering shrubs.  When I looked a little closer, there were bees everywhere—a hive full.  It was wonderful to see so many honeybees in one place!  Hopefully, our orchard and garden will thrive with all of these pollinators flying around the farm.

Happy Weekend!



  1. Oh how wonderful!
    I always liked bees until I found out I was allergic to the stinging. Now I try to appreciate them from a greater distance. 😉 But they’re marvelous, aren’t they?

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  2. I love hearing the buzzing of bees and have always been respectful of them. When my grandson was about three years old, he and I saw “The Bee Movie.” Jerry Seinfeld was a funny bee but the message of the death of bees haunted me and actually stayed in my Skyler’s mind for awhile. 🐝🌺

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