The Weekly Bleat: Shearing Time!

It seems just like yesterday that we sheared our sheep; however, it was actually May.  These photographs were taken right after Clover and the other nine sheep were sheared last spring.

Now, they’re all woolly and ready to be sheared, again!


    • Thanks, Judy. Yes, our duvet and pillows are made from the wool of our sheep. I’ve had yarn and roving made as well. The yarn is course due to little lanolin in the wool–not good for knitting. These sheep are known more as meat sheep. Less lanolin means the meat isn’t as greasy. Great tasting lamb…itchy sweaters. But, I was determined to knit SOMETHING with MY wool, so so tried unsuccessfully. The fibers kept falling to the floor as I knitted, and I ended up using the yarn as twine to tie up my tomatoes. 😉

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    • Thanks, Laura. I think it is, too. They look completely different after shearing. Sometimes they don’t even recognize each other. They’ll start head-butting one another until they figure it out. It’s like–hey…wait a minute! I know “ewe.” 😉


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